Quarterly Newsletters
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"New Product Introduction: Cambistat"
"Stopping New Gall in Oak Trees"
"Micro-Injection For Insect and Disease Control"
"A New Twist on Fertilization? Why do I want a soil test?"
"Owner Beware!" (tissue decay, rot)
"Mycorrhizae: Tiny Allies That Make a Huge Difference"
"Strange Holes On My Tree Trunk: What Is It?" (woodpecker holes, borers)
"Update On Suppressing Oak Gall in Your Trees"
"Transition: The Invisible Performance"(winter, mycorrhizae)
"Cambistat" (Reprised)
"Did You Know...." (borers)
"Reminder About January Oak Gall Treatment"
"The Invisible Performance: The Rest of the Story" (tree damage, construction, soil compact)
". . . And One More Oak Gall Reminder"
"How Big . . . ?" (planting trees, tree size)
"Tree Borers and What To Do About Them"
"What Do I Need a Soil Test?"
"Did You Know . . . ." (watering, soil, clay soil)
"Magic Mulch"
"Pruning/Trimming Your Trees"
"Oak Gall and Fungicidal Applications"
"Did You Know . . . ." (planting time, planting in clay soil)
"Plant Problem Diagnostic"
"Tree Planting Time Is About Now. . . And How To"
"Is Something Wrong With Your Pin Oak?"
"Few (Near) Perfect Products" (horticultural oils, mycorrhizal spores, soil testing)
"Phomopsis On Juniper, Arborvitae, and Cypress"
"Did You Know . . ." (tree trimming)
"Tree Risk Assessment"
"When Lightning Strikes Your Tree"
"Another Reminder About Borer Prevention"IGN=LEFT>
"Fire Blight: Trouble For Ornamental Pears!"
"Girdling Roots: Death By Constriction!"
"Spiders In Your Trees?
"It's Summertime! Water Your Trees!"
"Did you Know . ." (plants growing in shade, ISA, Certified Arborist)
"Hypoxylon Canker and Stressed Oaks"
"Tree Issues Above and On the Ground" (roots causing concrete damage)
"Alternative Ways To skin A Cat" (construction projects severing roots)
"Did you Know . . " American Chestnut - Castanea Dentata, hardiness zones map - zone7 to zone 8)
"Exercise and Trees In New Subdivisions: A Cautionary Tale"
"Another Winter Oak Gall Reminder"
"Recognizing and Combating Pine Bark Beetles"
"Good Tips When Hiring Tree Trimmers"
"Did You Know. . . "(root systems of your tree, lightning strikes)
"Dutch Elm Disease"
"A Quick Review of the Arboricultural Basics"
"Did You Know. . . "(root systems of your tree, lightning strikes)
"Trees, Shade, and Time"
"Mama Mia! Mycorrhizae!"
"Time For Another Oak Gall Reminder"
"Did You Know . . . "(guywires)
"Strategically Located Trees Can Dull Winter's Chill"
"Risk Assessment: Catching Trouble Before It Catches You"
"Interesting Southwestern Discoveries"
"Did You Know . . . "(perfect flowers, imperfect flowers, angiosperm, gymnosperm)
"What? Another Gall Reminder?"
"Our springtime Ritual"
"The magnificent Elm"
"Fire Blight"
"Did You Know. . . "(moving trees)
"Spider Mites Are a Common Hot Weather Plant Problem"
"From My Journal: Ephemerata"
"Bagworms on Juniper, Cedar, Arborvitae and Spruce: A Summertime Issue"
"Did You Know. . . "(soil testing)
"It's Summertime! Water Your Trees!"
"What Kind of Tree?"
"From My Journal: A Forty Year Celebration"
"Another Gall Prevention Reminder"
"VitaCare: A Program That Works "A Stitch In Times Saves Nine""
"Taking Care Of Our Trees"
"From My Journal: Spring 2010"
"Medicine for Stressed Trees: Radial Trenching"
"From My Journal: Rising the Katy""
"Did You Know..."(watering, scale)